Toronto Wants to Ban Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol

Toronto Wants to Ban Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol

Toronto Wants to Ban Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol

Toronto Wants to Ban Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol – the public health office in Toronto wants to ban mixing energy drinks and alcohol citywide. The said ban would prohibit mixing energy drinks and alcohol at events that occur on city property and/or require a Toronto city permit for alcohol sales.

The reason? If it isn’t obvious, Toronto public health officials are trying to put a cap on the  amount of incidents that occur when people drink caffeinated products with alcoholic beverages.The combination of caffeine and alcohol results in a “wide-awake drunk” which has been proven dangerous around the world with the sales  and subsequent ban of Four Lokos.

This may be a hard feat to accomplish (people love a wide-awake drunk), but it is definitely a step in the right direction for Toronto. Though some people may be capable of handling this combination, it’s the people who don’t that ruin it for everybody.
