Will Hayden Rapes His Daughter, Sons of Guns Cancelled

Will Hayden Rapes His Daughter, Sons of Guns Cancelled by Discovery Channel

Will Hayden Rapes His Daughter - Sons of Guns Cancelled
East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office

Will Hayden Rapes His Daughter, Sons of Guns Cancelled Sons of Guns, a Discovery Channel reality TV series, has been cancelled after some unsettling news was released about Will Hayden being charged with raping his 12 year old daughter.

Hayden, a gunsmith and owner of the shop, was reported by his daughter and booked on Wednesday for aggravated rape of a 12 year old child. According to her she was raped orally and vaginally nearly every day since March 2013.

She wanted to tell authorities earlier but was physically threatened by her father and also told “Don’t tell them nothing, because I’m all you got.” Her father is currently still in jail.

Stephanie, Hayden’s oldest daughter, disputed the allegations, claiming “There was never any impropriety in our home. He was and is a good father.”

The Sons of Guns star was accused before of similar crimes, but stated that the claims were out of spite from an ex-girlfriend. On August 9th Hayden was arrested and booked on molestation charges, among others, in Louisiana. A court order prevented the release of any details pertaining to the arrest; the actor was released after posting bond for $150,000.



