Elon Musk at Tesla Century City Model 3 release YouTube caption: Elon Musk high-fiving everyone in line for the Tesla…
Doing the job he is trained to do!
Doing the job he is trained to do! A FedEx driver backs a truck into a small garage at a…
Patrick Richard/Alan Ockwell Crash at Baie Des Chaleurs 2010
Patrick Richard/Alan Ockwell Crash at Baie Des Chaleurs 2010 YouTube caption: Subaru Driver Patrick Richard and Co-Driver Alan Ockwell push…
Four men save a woman and child from a sinking car in Amsterdam
Four men save a woman and child from a sinking car in Amsterdam YouTube caption (Translated): Images of the spectacular rescue…
Ferrari F1 Pit Stop Perfection
Ferrari F1 Pit Stop Perfection YouTube caption: 2013 Melbourne F1, poetry in motion.