Kid saves Classmates Lives when Bus Driver has Massive Heart Attack While Driving October 17, 2015October 17, 2015Cars / U.S. News / Videos & Pictures Kid saves Classmates Lives when Bus Driver has Massive Heart Attack While Driving YouTube caption : 4/9/12: a 7th grader came to the rescue when the school bus driver suffered a heart attack while driving a bus full of kids. A true hero! Related Posts: Rewind the Future Stop the Cycle - Heart Attack…Jay Adams Dies of a Heart Attack at 53 - Videos and PicturesBus Life - 1993 Ford School Bus converted to Mobile HomePurse thief gets beat up by Bus Driver with a bat VIDEOKid has an extremely flexible neck. Kid hugs person…Truck Driver Crashes into a Gas Station Texting and DrivingKid Driving in PhoenixLauren Bacall Dies at 89 Years Old - Massive StrokeMassive Explosion In Tianjin,China. (New angle)Soldier gives Brantley Gilbert his first Purple HeartNarrating People's Lives with Thomas Sanders compilationMy buddy keeps sending me snapchats of a possum that…Comments