Mom pulls daughter’s hair, separates scalp from head

25 year old Brittany Ruck, a Conway, Pennsylvania mom, was arrested and booked after grabbing her 6 year old daughter’s hair so hard it separated her scalp from her head and caused internal bleeding.
Ruck is facing charges of aggravated assault, child endangerment, simple assault, and reckless endangerment. She is being held for $50,000 bond at Beaver County Jail.
The August 31st incident apparently occurred as a punishment when the young girl was unable to count to 12. Her mother admits that she’s pulled her hair before in the past.
Ruck told police she didn’t think she was doing anything wrong. She mentioned that she was raised the same way, “…and I’m still here.” The Beaver County mother has two other kids who are 4 and 1.
Ruck’s daughter has been released from the Children’s Hospital where she spent several days. She is now staying at a relative’s house. It is believe Ruck’s fiancee was not home when the incident happened.