Owl comes to its owner to get its head scratched June 1, 2015June 2, 2015Animals / Videos & Pictures Owl comes to its owner to get its head scratched YouTube caption: Nearly every species loves to get pet on the head it seems. Watch this owl get his share! かいて〜♪(^^) #owl #フクロウ #kuuowl #ニシアメ Related Posts: Hello Mr. Owl! Owl sitting in front of sliding glass doorAngry ram takes down a drone... and its ownerThis laughing owl will make you forget about your problemsGoPro: Owl Dance-OffOwl Shat and Fled - Сова нагадила и сбежалаMom! Mooom ...Can you get my toy for me? Cat helps…Colts Owner Jim Irsay DUI $500,000 fine + 6 Game SuspensionDog chases ambulance driving his ownerHero dog jumps in the water to save his ownerLexi Wakes Dad UP - Dog waking up her ownerHusky Shenanigans - Dog yells back at his owner scolding himBird taking a bath in owner's handsComments