Pornhub Premium Gifting Service TV Ad (SFW)
Pornhub Premium Gifting Service TV Ad (SFW) YouTube caption: This holiday season, give the most touching gift of all! Pornhub…
Crazy vid of shooting in San Bernardino
Crazy vid of shooting in San Bernardino Warning: Strong language A resident near the shooting in San Bernardino catches incredible…
“Every Major’s Terrible” memorized and self-accompanied!
“Every Major’s Terrible” memorized and self-accompanied! YouTube caption: Ben Miller sing’s Randall Munroe’s “Every Major’s Terrible” from the webcomic xkcd! THE…
Movember Mustache Removal 2015 (not for kids)
Movember Mustache Removal 2015 (not for kids) YouTube caption: Thanks all for shares and donations! Here’s how I removed my…
Millennials in the Workplace Training Video
Millennials in the Workplace Training Video YouTube caption: Planning to hire Millennials in your office? This guide will teach you how…