Mentally Challenged Black Man Shot by the Lost Angeles Police Department – Ezell Ford LAPD Protests Planned

Ezell Ford LAPD Protests – Today protesters are expected to rally outside the Los Angeles Police Department after mentally challenged Ezell Ford, a 25 year old black man, was shot Saturday August 11th.
Ford was in custody of the LAPD when he was shot and killed. The Los Angles Police Department reports the incident occurred when the officers approached Ezell Ford and he resisted them. when the police officers tried to subdue ford, he reached for one of the officers handguns and officers were forced to fire upon him.
Ezell Ford was taken to a local hospital after being shot. He was later pronounced dead.
Some witnesses disagree with the officers testimonies claiming that Ezell Ford was not armed during the shooting and was following the officers’ orders.
In South Los Angeles on Friday a small group of people marched to protest Ezell Ford’s death. Protest members say the rally is also going to protest the Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.