Mike Brown Autopsy – Michael Was Shot 6 Times by Officer

Mike Brown Autopsy – Michael was shot 6 Times by Officer; 4 in the arm, 2 in the head

Mike Brown Autopsy

Mike Brown Autopsy – Michael Was Shot 6 Times by Officer – There have already been two Mike Brown autopsies, and a third Federal Autopsy has been scheduled by the US Attorney General. So far it has been gathered that Mike Brown was shot 6 times; 4 times in the arm and twice in the head.

Another detail of interest was that Brown was shot in the front of his body, and not in the back like some eyewitness testimonies claim.

Michael Brown was an unarmed black teenager who was shot in Ferguson, Missouri last week by police officer Darren Wilson. The shooting has sparked protests around Ferguson and St. Louis  Missouri that have resulted in riots, looting, and violence.

Dr. Baden Explains his Michael Brown Autopsy Findings

Shawn Parcells – Michael Brown Autopsy Findings
